Bacaan lanjut Piramid Agung Kufu

  • Cooper, Roscoe, Vicki Teague Cooper, Carolyn Croll, Diana Craig Patch, and Atha Tehon. 1997. The Great Pyramid: An Interactive Book. London: British Museum Press.
  • Der Manuelian, Peter. 2017. Digital Giza: Visualizing the Pyramids. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Hawass, Zahi A. 2006. Mountains of the Pharaohs: The Untold Story of the Pyramid Builders. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press.
  • Nell, Erin and Clive Ruggles. 2014. "The Orientations of the Giza Pyramids and Associated Structures." Journal for the History of Astronomy 45, no. 3: 304–60.
  • Petrie, W.M. Flinders. 2006. The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh. Worcester, UK: Yare Egyptology.
  • Rossi, Corinna, and Laura Accomazzo. 2005. The Pyramids and the Sphinx. English ed. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press.